Start Your Journey with a Personal Roadmap

Life’s road can be daunting and full of uncertainty, especially during the college years, 因此,我们建立了这个页面作为指导,以帮助您在这一旅程.

探索下面的信息来帮助你规划你的职业目标,并引导你成功地实现它们! 我们把所有的东西都分解成每个学年的建议,以帮助你计划你的这一年和未来的几年.

第一年最重要的任务是在事业上活跃起来 planning process by exploring the following:

  1. Career Services
    • 从熟悉职业和测试服务人员和资源开始, and speak with the director about your career goals.
    • Register with Handshake - an online job posting and web resume system.
    • Review the Freshman 5 Career Planning Checklist.
  2. Self-Exploration and Assessment
    • Utilize the computerized career guidance program Focus 2 to examine your interests, skills, 和价值观,同时了解各种职业/职业道路.
    • 参加职业服务中心提供的职业兴趣评估(强烈兴趣量表或迈尔斯布里格斯类型指标).
    • 与父母、家人、朋友和其他了解你的人讨论你的职业兴趣.
  3. University and Majors
    • 了解并定期与你的学术顾问会面,讨论你的职业规划.
    • Explore academic majors and minors. You can also attend the Fall Majors/Minors Fair.
    • Become familiar with the University of Mary's online course catalog describing course offerings.
    • 去上课,完成作业,集中精力保持一个稳定的GPA.
    • Learn more about different majors.
  4. World of Work
    • Research the world of work, including qualifications, job duties, market trends, and salaries for various occupations, at the Occupational Outlook Handbook and O*NET.
    • Join student organizations enabling you to form connections, discover interests, skills, and strengths, and gain practical experience.
    • Check out the career fairs 看看立博中文版的学生有哪些商业机会.
    • 访问职业资源库,了解更多关于职场的信息, including qualifications, job market trends, and salaries for various occupations.
  5. Advance Now
    • 通过志愿服务开始获得雇主重视的实际经验, work on-campus, part-time employment, or summer work experience.
    • Start building your career portfolio, convert your high school resume into a professional one, create a LinkedIn profile, and list your top five strengths.
    • 花点时间思考你想做什么,想去哪里.


  1. Commit to a Career Choice
    • 重新审视职业路线图和你的职业顾问,评估你的进步,并讨论与你的价值观和专业兴趣相一致的可能的职业道路. 
    • 选择/申报专业,如有必要,申请进入你的专业.
    • 与你的学术顾问见面,确认你的学位计划,并了解更多关于你专业领域的学位要求.
    • Get to know the faculty and upper-class students in your major.
    • Continue to maintain a strong GPA.
    • Determine if graduate school is necessary for your career.
  2. Test and Strengthen Your Choice
    • 参加招聘会,了解你学习领域的公司/雇主.
    • Begin researching internships, student teaching, 和临床实习的选择,同时申请相关的暑期工作.
    • 从年内的兼职工作或志愿活动中获得相关经验.
    • 联系立博中文版使命,了解更多与你的研究领域相关的服务学习或志愿者机会.
    • Continue to participate in student organizations, clubs, and extracurricular activities to develop your skills and leadership.
  3. Begin Preparing Job Search Correspondence
    • Start creating a resume. 仔细看看下一页的简历,并把它作为你简历的模板.
    • Attend a resume writing workshop sponsored by Career Services.
    • 职业服务中心可以对你的简历进行评论,或者让雇主在每年春季的Resumania活动上修改你的简历.
    • 了解更多关于求职信的重要性,并开始准备草稿.
    • 考虑创建与工作相关的作品集并决定相关内容的过程.


  1. Graduate and Professional School
    • Begin to consider different schools and programs; learn about their requirements and application processes.
    • 向注册主任申请学位审核,以监督你的毕业进度.
  2. World of Work
    • Research career areas, including industry, employers, and jobs matching your interests, values, and skills.
    • 进行信息面试,以了解更多关于你所在领域的信息,并建立网络联系.
    • Attend professional meetings, networking events, socials, 或者参加与你的职业领域相关的信息会议,以收集信息并扩展你的专业网络.
    • 参加秋季和春季的招聘会,建立联系,建立网络,了解工作要求.
    • Complete internships, research, 或者志愿提供与你的职业目标相关的机会,以获得宝贵的技能和经验.
  3. Career Services
    • 通过更新简历并根据自己的职业领域进行调整,有效地推销自己.
    • 通过模拟面试来提高你的专业面试技巧.
    • 建立一个高质量的LinkedIn个人资料,并建立额外的专业联系.

在最后一年里,积极地寻找工作或录取 to graduate school.

  1. Graduate and Professional School
    • 制定一个时间表来完成申请过程的所有必要组成部分.
    • Complete graduate school applications. Remember to apply early, search for funding sources, arrange campus visits, and do all necessary follow-ups.
  2. World of Work
    • Visit Career Services to learn more about a job search timeline.
    • 对第一年的工作要有灵活和现实的期望(平均找工作可能需要6个月).
    • 调查雇主和行业,在面试过程中为你提供帮助.
    • 在与专业人士会面时,继续建立人际关系,发展你独特的“电梯演讲”.
    • Develop business cards to market yourself to potential employers.
    • Start purchasing professional clothing; attend a Suit-Up event.
    • 为每个职位/雇主量身定制一份专业推荐信清单.
    • Continue to learn and gain skills through places like Forage.
  3. Career Services
    • Refine and polish your resume; learn to write a dynamic cover letter.
    • 根据需要,通过模拟面试来继续完善你的面试技巧. Career Services offers Mock Interview Days each semester.
    • 参加当地和全州的就业和实习展览会.
    • 通过职业服务参加校园雇主面试或社交活动.
    • Develop a list of prospective employers and begin actively applying.
    • Keep in contact with Career Services and the Alumni Association; become involved with the Young Professionals Network.
    • 获取薪资信息,学习如何有效地协商工作机会.
    • Attend Life After Graduation or Knowledge After College events.
    • 当你找到一份工作时,联系职业服务中心,通知他们并完成一份“第一目的地调查”.
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